Who Made Your Clothes? Fashion Revolution 2018

Who Made Your Clothes? Fashion Revolution 2018

On April 23rd 2013 Rana Plaza, an eight-story factory building in Bangladesh collapsed, killing more than 1,300 people. The anniversary of the tragedy – has been declared Fashion Revolution Day, an internationally coordinated day of commemoration and action. 

Fashion Revolution has transformed into more than just a commemoration. In the last 5 years, it has turned into a worldwide movement to systemically reform the fashion industry and promote radical production line transparency. The movement is prompting fashion brands to share their stories about where and how they source products and encouraging consumers to make more conscious purchases.

We at OhSevenDays are supporting the mission to explore the story behind the label, and we too are sharing how we source our fabrics, make patterns, create samples, run production, and sell our garments. 

Our fabric is sourced from the garment district of Istanbul called Zeytinburnu. This area resells fabrics that have been left over from large factory production runs and is therefore considered 'reclaimed'. We are also hoping to oppose the thriving trend of low quality, fast fashion. In an effort to contradict these damaging mainstream practices, we create high quality, compact collections, consisting of just 7 pieces per season. It's our belief that less is indeed more! 

Once we have our fabrics we begin the process of pattern and sample making which is done in our workshop based in Osmanbey, Istanbul. We have a team of 4 tailors who do a myriad of jobs within our production chain.

Our head tailor is named Tayyar Bütün and comes from the inner Anatolian city of Sivas. He's been working in the textile industry for 40 years and has run his own factory in the heart of Istanbul for over 20 years. He's an amazing tailor and super nice guy. We've been working with him for 4 years and he was even a witness at our founder Megan's wedding!

Our main sewer is named Hicabi, a 47 year old from the Black Sea town of Ordu. Hicabi (Hici for short) has been working with Tayyar for 6 years now and is extremely skilled in woven garment construction. Hici spends a month every summer in his home village where he works harvesting hazelnuts from his family's farm. He brings his weekly salary home to support his wife and two children. 

Our other sewer is Emin, who have been working in the factory for around a year each. Emin is from the Mediterranean city of Antalya and is extremely skilled in evening wear and hand finishings.

We hope that sharing the story of our production brings some personality to our garments and that next time you buy a piece, you give some thought to the multitude of people it took to create it. 

Our fundamental goal is to promote sustainable manufacturing practices and lifestyles. Share our message and increase awareness of the social injustices that occur in the mainstream fashion industry by asking other brands 'Who Made My Clothes?'. 


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Umut July 31 2018

I like this part so much <3

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