Why It’s Important To Support Women In Business

Written By: Kassie Shanafelt
Thanks to the internet, issues like the gender pay gap have become a common topic of discussion. Most people want to empower women, but what does that really mean? Supporting women is more than just singing extra loud every time a Beyonce song comes on Spotify. Today, we want to take a deeper look into women-lead businesses and why it’s important to support them.
The Gender Pay Gap:
Let’s get back to that little thing called the gender pay gap. Instead of throwing a bunch of mathematical jargon at you, you should just know it’s the measure of women’s overall position in the paid workforce. In May 2019, women’s average weekly earnings across all industries was $1,484.80 compared to men’s average earnings of $1,726.30. In fact, in the US a woman makes just 79 cents to ever dollar a man does and Australia’s national gender pay gap has remained between 14% and 19% for the past two decades.
Think about this in terms of how your style evolves. Five years ago you probably
dressed differently than you do now. Now, think about twenty years ago. Styles have come and gone all the way back around in twenty years, but we still haven’t closed in on the gender pay gap.
Women In Leadership Roles:
It’s also important to note that only 30% of management positions are held by women in Australia today. Many of those management positions are still in support roles, such as Head of Human Resources. When we support women in positions of leadership, or women-lead businesses, we’re likely to close in on the gender pay gap. Why? Because women in entrepreneurial roles, support other women.
How You Can Create Change:
It’s as simple as supporting female-run companies! Do your research before you shop. If you can support a small-shop business with a woman behind it all, what’s stopping you?
Did we mention that OhSevenDays is a female-founded and run business? Our office is currently an all-woman team, and we take pride in fostering the development of women in the industry. When you shop with OhSevenDays, you can rest easy with the knowledge your purchase is sustainably sourced by employees who are taken care of and respected.