Who is Cat / Simple(ish) Living?
Well, that’s a big question and a half to start off with! Cat is not very interesting. And Cat likes to nap a lot. But in all seriousness, I love food and books, and it is a large part of my life. It brings so much joy! I work in IT full-time, although I studied literature at University. My degree actually helped me get a job in IT, as I started out writing IT user manuals then eventually starting learning very basic code. Simple(ish) Living is a blog that shares tips and tricks on how to live a little more sustainably. There’s also a huge dose of sarcasm, because well, I’m not really a fan of taking things too seriously!! And I like exclamation points!! Elaine Benes be damned!!!!
Where did you grow up and what kind of kid were you?
I grew up in Brisbane, Australia. I was very much an outdoors kid. I loved climbing trees and playing badminton with my dad.
What advice do you have for your younger self?
It’s going to be okay. Seriously, there will be crappy days. But it WILL be okay
How do you try to be more sustainable in your everyday life?
I try my best avoiding single-use plastic, although I am not plastic-free. I’m a huge fan of reusables. Cloth napkins over paper ones. Hankies over tissues. Reusable period underwear or menstrual cups over disposable pads. And meal prepping. You would be surprised at how much waste you can reduce once you start prepping your meals.
What do you consider to be your last victory?
Waking up and working out. I don’t work out for the aesthetics, but I’ve found when I do workout, it really helps with my mental health. So, waking up and working out is a victory, because any self-care actions should be seen as a small victory
What are your thoughts on 'fast fashion' and what future does it have?
I’m not a fan of fast fashion. That being said, I understand for some people this is all they have access to – as second hand or sustainable and ethical fashion is not attainable for everyone. I think if you have the means, shopping less and buying quality items is the way to go. Personally, I’ve seen a lot of fast fashion brands go into administration in 2020 and as the trend towards slow and ethical fashion grows, I hope the market for fast fashion shrinks
When do you feel the most content?
That I finally bought myself a sowing machine (second hand) and I'm teaching myself some new skills. I always find myself wanting to learn new things. Learning gives me a huge kick!
If you had to live out your days in one outfit, what would it be?
Probably this blue floral dress that I have. It’s easy to dress up or down. It’s work appropriate, super comfortable and has plenty of room for a big-ass meal!
Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
I’m honestly not 100% sure. I don't really plan that far ahead. But - I would love to own my own house, or at least buy one! Other than that, I hope to still be working on the things that I love and not let my 9 to 5 job take over
What is the last thing you ate? Was it tasty??
Does coffee count? I’m currently having my morning coffee! And about to make my morning oats J I love my morning oats! So, yes, it is tasty. I'm also a bit of a coffee snob
If you could snap your fingers and be teleported somewhere, where would it be?
Anywhere??? Would oxygen be a problem?? Could I be teleported anywhere no matter the conditions?? Because I would love to go to Jupiter. I want to see what that red storm is about!
But here on Earth, I would probably snap my fingers to New York. I have a huge soft spot for it. To sound completely wanky, I've been there a few times, and each time I love it more. That being said, I'm not really sure I could live there. I'm not really built for the hustle. I do like a "slower" life
Book, music, or podcast recos?
Some of my favourite books are The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, Youth by JM Coetzee, The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion and Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. They are pretty different, but so well written. I recommend all of these books, but mostly, The History of Love as I think it's a little more commercial. Youth and Fight Club, might not be for everyone.
Cat is wearing Fiorenza Cropped Blouse