Oh ' Lotta
November 24 2018

November 24 2018
This week we caught up with the wonderfully worldly and charismatic story teller, Lotta Liina Love. Lotta spent the afternoon with us in our studio as we discussed a wide array of topics; everything from the world of the instagram influencers, to international politics and immigration issues. After coffee, biscuits and a chat, we hit the street of Istanbul together to shoot some pieces from the new collection. Throughout the afternoon together we were lucky enough to get some insights into Lotta's vibrant life and at the same time cuddle some damn cute street cats!
What was it like growing up as such a globe trotter?
At the time it seemed like a struggle and a burden, and it still has lasting consequences to this day. However, growing up with people from different kinds of backgrounds and up bringings is also a blessing and I have met some of the most incredible people in my life because of it.

Do you see yourself settling anywhere soon?
I'm currently trying to stay put in Copenhagen for at least five years. I've never stayed put that long in my entire life! It'll mostly be to see how it would positively affect my life being apart of a community and having a stable place I can call home. But we'll see if I stick it through :D
Who has been the most influential person in your life? And how have they shaped you? I think the most influential people in my life have been my four sisters. From fashion to life in general, I always get a healthy dose of reality from them and they are a great source of inspiration for my work. Seeing how they succeed in their respective fields is awe inspiring and it keeps me aware of life outside of fashion.

What are you hopes and dreams for your career?
I want to bring art back into fashion for sure, and further use myself to support slow fashion brands that are killing it to prove that we don't need to destroy the planet to create amazing fashion.

What do you consider your biggest achievement thus far, personal or career wise? I inspired a vogue fashion editor wear dish gloves and call it fashion.

Who has been the most influential person in your life? And how have they shaped you? I think the most influential people in my life have been my four sisters. From fashion to life in general, I always get a healthy dose of reality from them and they are a great source of inspiration for my work. Seeing how they succeed in their respective fields is awe inspiring and it keeps me aware of life outside of fashion.

Is there any social issue you wish was more talked about? In an ideal world, how would you change it? I think accountability for Influencers on how they are affecting the planet when doing paid collaborations. Influencers pushing fast fashion brands just for large payments is currently a huge trend. Sadly it's only emphasising pointless mass consumerism and the planet seems to be no concern of theirs, whereas it really needs to be. I currently have no idea how to change it, but 2019 I will focus on this challenge.

What do you feel is the best thing about being a woman? The community we as women build to support and inspire each other. I love and adore my female friends.

We know you want to become a dog mumma one day, what kind of dogs do think you'll get? I want to adopt three dogs, so I'm not so picky about the breed, but I really want three dogs and I want to name them Håkkan, Mange and Åke :)

How do you treat yourself after a rough day? Currently I put on Darrin's Dance Grooves and learn the routine to Britney Spears' Crazy. It takes my mind off of everything and actually cheers me up.

What do you wish to see happen in the next 5 years? (in your life, your country, or the world). For myself I really hope I get at least one dog. For the world, I wish the good will overcome the greed and Humanity won't go down in history as the most disgusting thing that has happened to our planet.

What do you feel the best wearing? Jeans and sneakers.

What music are you listening to at the moment? And what book are you reading? I got into some very boogie grooves so a lot of stuff like, 'You make me feel' - Sylvester and Teardrops by Womack Womack. As for books, I'm in the last semester of my BA so I'm only reading marketing theories. -_- I'm open for any good book recommendations :)

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